Saturday, June 14, 2014


Our goals are not just our ideals, they're more of a promise. "I want to lose this weight this summer," isn't enough just to verbalize; I invite the idea of committing. Yes, you have some dedication and determination, how cute, but committing is an ideology. When things hit the fan, life gets rough, conditions change, you persevere, why? Because you are committed.

For anyone longtime athlete, one understands the difference between just going, and going to get things done. This relates back to my point about people spinning their wheels, there is no commitment! Therefore there is no progression. I'm not pushing the idea of defeating yourself, but there will be instances in time where things just drag, or what's placed in front of you seems impossible. You will be tested. I don't care if that test is 300+ pounds on your back, several miles on a track, endless rounds on a crossfit circuit, it won't matter because you are committed! Til' death do you and your workout part.

No doubts, just COMMIT! Never falter.

Alberto Nunez - Natural Pro Bodybuilder



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