Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Slave to the Scale!

One of the most prevalent "no-no's" that I see amongst fitness enthusiast desperate to alter their physiques. It all comes down to that sweet goal, "I need to get up to 200 lbs by next year, I'll be massive", or, "I could look like Beyonce if I just get down to 110 before summer". Taking the right path with the wrong means of transportation could land you even farther from your end goal.

The first blatant issue with this goal-setting approach is that 9 times out of 10 it reminds us of how classically unrealistic we are. Yes, setting a goal to gain more muscle in an allotted amount of time is great, but that jump from 150 to 200 by the end of the year (quality size) is a tad bit far-reaching my friend. Assuming you want to look remotely good for the ladies and not more so, "Do you even lift", correct?

The second issue derives from solely obeying the mighty law of The Scale. This more than often leads innocent people in a perpetual downhill spiral. Dropping 30 lbs for the summer could be an awesome investment within your fitness journey, but are you sure you want to drop all 30? Not to point fingers, but it is often women who fall into this weight trap. Pounds may not be the enemy here, but more so your body fat. In conjunction to dropping the fat and gaining muscle, you may not get to your goal weight but look vastly more shapely at the end. Dropping quality weight won't be nearly as appealing.

Sidenote: MUSCLE IS SEXY ON THE LADIES. (That's a whole other blog post.)

The idea here guys is that whatever the end goal, it will take TIME. Setting these weight goals and enslaving yourself to the scale will tend to make you rush this and lead you astray. The mirror and progress pictures tend to be better friends anyway. :)

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